Thursday, May 22, 2008

Chapter 6

Poll Results:

Attempt an answer: 2 votes

Feign ignorance: 0 votes

Fight his way out: 2 votes

Try to escape: 1 vote

action scene happens and sexbot and protagonist are split up. sexbot is alone and ends up in area that hates robots LIKE IN THAT SCENE FROM THE AI MOVIE. only sexbot meets a teenage girl that looks exactly like Kristen Stewart. Kristen Stewart girl has no parents and sexbot saves her from a gang (that is how they meet) and Kristen Stewart girl gets a girl crush on sexbot and sexbots malfunction kind of increases so they kind of have this not-quite-so-platonic love thing going on. they go on a big adventure thign to find protagonist guy and Kristen Stewart girl gets infected with nanobots that may possibly kill her. Luckily sexbot is powered by super future shit that has cold coolant shit whatever in her. Sexbot then creatively collects Kristen Stewarts dna in order to clone her if anything should happen.: 3 votes

write in vote: before phil acts, zim kills the first armed man by smashing his nose up into his skull, and transitioning seamlessly to the next move, kills the second by slicing his neck with a blade concealed in her foot. The third comes at her and she punches him an open palm out of which a pneumatic spike is driven into his stomach. The fourth runs away and she picks up one of the blasters and shoots him in the head. Phil is upset and disturbed afterwards and begins to suspect she enjoys killing humans.: 1 vote

-- Author's note:
Yes, I missed a post. Sorry about that. Husband had a birthday, Son had a barfy sickness, and I had a midwife appointment. I don't intend for this to happen again, at least in the near future, but I can't promise things won't come up.
As a favor to Jes, I removed a vote that she said she cast and could not remove since the poll was closed. I never said that I wouldn't do that, so I did it, but now I'm saying I won't do it again. The reason for this is that I can't ever be sure who cast the vote and people could be asking me to remove votes that weren't theirs in favor of write-ins or whatever it is they want to win.
I also can't promise that if your write-in vote derails my plot entirely that it won't be... hehehehehe... derailed --

A flash of light illuminated the garage. Phil was blinded. He could hear shuffling around him as he struggled to regain his vision. When the spots in front of him finally dissipated, he saw Zim standing in the garage amid the limp bodies of the men who had only seconds ago threatened his life. Phil spun around to look behind him. Zim was there. There were two of her.

He eyed the new Zim. She was shuffling through the pockets of the redheaded man. When she finally emerged she had in her hand a small purple orb.

"I know what that is. I'm going to need to confiscate that."

"Only if you want to die." Zim indicated the bodies around her. "Unless you think you could have handled this yourself..."

Phil sighed. He was quickly learning just not to argue with Zim. The new Zim passed the purple orb to the old Zim. "You need to get to downtown."

"They'll kill her there! They hate cyborgs!"

"In case you hadn't noticed, she - I - blend in pretty well. Why would they even know she - I - was a cyborg unless I told them? It's hardly a threat at all! I've survived for years among humans! What makes you think I would have gotten anywhere outside of the brothels if I couldn't blend in? You couldn't have figured this out?"

"Sorry! Sorry." Old Zim rolled her eyes at him.

"There's someone there who needs you. You'll recognize her cause she looks just like Kristen Stewart."

"Who?" old Zim asked.

"You know. That b-list actress from centuries ago that we wouldn't know anything about except that she was in this AWFUL movie, Jumper, that Benjamin used to like." Old Zim nodded, took the orb, and ran.

Phil climbed out of the transporter. "Where did you send her?"

"Things didn't go as well last time... they killed you."

"KILLED me?"

"Yes. I managed to get the time orb from that one afterwards but I couldn't save you."

"So you've been hiding out downtown?"

"It wasn't difficult." She rolled her eyes. "Honestly. Even you didn't recognize that I was a cyborg until I actually took my hand off. Why would you think anyone would even notice?"

"Sorry! So who's the girl she's going to find?"

"Oh, just a girl who looks just like Kristen Stewart. She's an orphan and I had to save her from a gang. She then developed a crush on me, so we kind of..."


"Well, it's what I'm programmed for. Anyway, she got a nanobot infection that was going to kill her so I stuck my tongue in her vagina to get some DNA from her and keep frozen in my coolant compartment in the back of my neck. When she died, I used the orb to come back and make sure you would be okay." She smiled. "I missed you."

Phil smiled uncomfortably. Cyborgs weren't supposed to miss people. "As hot as that sounds... and I'd like to hear more about it later, why couldn't you have just gotten DNA from her mouth or hair?"

"Well her mouth was contaminated with the nanobots which could have killed me. Hair is hard to swallow."


Zim rolled her eyes. "We need to get in there and snoop around and see what we're dealing with."

Phil nodded and shook the images out of his head. They let themselves in through the garage door. The house looked much like Norm's - underfurnished and disheveled. There were several bags of garbage piled in a corner that smelled of rotting food. Papers, pencils, blasters, and disposable plates littered the surfaces. Zim went straight for the closet while Phil sorted through the papers. They were mostly communiques. Phil noticed a few with stationery from his own department. He grabbed a handful into a pile. He would have to read them later.

Zim emerged from the closet with eight shoeboxes. "It appears they all use the same filing system." She placed them on the table. "And there's more." She looked worried as she opened one of the boxes. It was filled with the same variety of identifications that Norm had. Phil was starting to feel panicky. How many of the people in his agency were FEA? What would happen to him if he went back?

The doorbell rang. Zim looked at Phil. Phil shrugged. Zim walked over to the door. "What agency do you work for?" Zim shouted through the door.

"All of them."

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